1. Parenting can exact a toll on a marriage and it takes collaborative effort to keep it together. Kudos on your effort.

  2. Date nights are so needed!! One rule I like to implement from time to time is that we can’t talk about the littles while we are out. We have to focus on other things- us, our marriage, plans for the future, what we need from our spouse,etc. It can be hard but it is so good to do every once in a while.

  3. Such great tips! I know my default is, Husband is an adult and understands so that means our kids should be a priority and then I’ll get back to him later, but I always feel so much better when we are regularly staying connected!

  4. I really can relate to this. We found out we were pregnant (unplanned) a month after we were married, and we welcomed our second baby the day before our second wedding anniversary. It’s very easy to lose sight of the true blessing children are, but I can honestly say that I am truly grateful the Lord gave them to us when he did. He has drawn us closer to him through our children. Thank you for writing this!

  5. I couldn’t imagine having children right after we got married. It took us a long time to adjust as a couple. And I don’t think we could have handled the stress and busy-ness of partnering

  6. I could have written this! My first didn’t not sleep longer than 2 hours at a time until he was 13 months and I’m due a second one this year – they’ll be 21 months apart. I’m really feeling the strain on our relationship. It’s comforting to know that I’m not the only one. We do some of the things you mention already but will try to put more effort in and pray more specifically for our marriage.

  7. Our marriage was mature when we had young children. I’d be exaggerating if I said we had worked through everything by then. However, it was easier to do one thing at a time!

  8. Wow! this was such a great read! While I have been married for a little over a year now and do not have children yet, these are things my husband and I often discuss when we talk about our future family!

  9. This is a great reminder even when you have older kids that keep you on your toes between school and extracurriculars and the rest of the things that need our attention. Marriage requires intentional work through every season!

    1. Absolutely Julie! It is so easy for us to get lost in that busyness and then before you know it, we can see the effects of what not being intentional in our marriage looks like. We have to be diligent to work on it all the time!

    2. Amen! I’m grateful to be learning that lesson now because as crazy as the little season is, I can only imagine how much crazier other seasons might sometimes be as the kids get older and are doing more things. Thank you for sharing!

  10. That was great, You hit the nail on the head when you described in what way they are and aren’t a blessing. Thank you for reminding me that my child sanctify me. Tis just a season!

  11. This is beautiful! We waited 5 years to have kids, but the transition was still hard. It is easy to fall in the trap of blame and frustration, but keeping each other first before kids definitely makes a difference! Love your story.

  12. This was great and a great reminder that challenges come with children but we can lean on the Holy Spirit to bring us through those difficult times. I love how you mentioned that the challenges of childrearing can be an opportunity for the Lord to show his goodness. My children are grown and I vaguely remember those sleep deprived days. I also remember how the Lord would bring grace in those difficult situations. Thanks for the post.

  13. I can really relate to this! Our 2nd son spent 5 months only sleeping 45 minutes at a time, no matter what we did. It was awful and our marriage definitely suffered. I’m thankful that those months were only a phase and that God showed us ways to keep working on our marriage in spite of our reality. Thanks for this encouragement!

    1. Oh my goodness! I definitely know how that is. My 3rd little guy really took a toll on us with his irregular sleeping. He was waking up every night up until about a few weeks ago. He is 3.5! When you are running on fumes, it is hard….

    2. Man, there is nothing like that kind of sleep deprivation to bring out the worst in us and really challenging our marriages! But praise the Lord that He brings us through those times and grows and strengthens us in the midst of it all. Thank you for sharing! 💕

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