The Woman Who Deserved Death
Her story is told in John 8:1-11 – the woman taken in the very act of adultery.
‘An adulteress! How is she a Biblical woman of influence?’ you may ask.
Let’s imagine it together: Jesus was teaching in the temple in front of a large crowd when there’s an uproar. A woman is forcibly brought to stand in front of him by a mob. For modesty’s sake, she’s wrapped in bed linens – linens that are dirty and tangled around her feet.
“This woman was caught in the act of adultery.” the scribes and Pharisees declare. “What do you think we should do with her?” they ask.
To understand what’s happening here, we have to go back a few hundred years. Back to the time when Moses was still alive, just after the children of Israel had been delivered from the land of Egypt. They were taken from a culture where “open relationships” were the norm. It was okay for a married man to sleep with a woman other than his wife. It was accepted that sometimes a married woman would sleep with a man who was not her husband.
But God wanted His people to be different. “You shall not commit adultery,” He tells them in Exodus 20:14. “In fact, don’t even lust after (covet) your neighbor’s wife (Exodus 20:17).”
A short time later God revisits the topic of adultery: “I don’t think I said enough about it last time. The persons who commit adultery: the adulterer and the adulteress – both shall be put to death (Leviticus 20:10).” The death penalty at that time was executed by stoning. Fast-forward to the woman in the temple.
Put yourself in her shoes for a moment. The words “caught in the very act” echo in her mind. “But I wasn’t alone! Where’s -? Why am I the only one who has to pay for our sin with my life?” she may have wondered.
This is why I consider her a woman of influence. From her life, we learn some major lessons about sin and some even greater ones about God.

Sin has a price.
It doesn’t matter how big or small the deed is, each person will have to answer to the Great Judge and the punishment for sin is death (Romans 6:23).
There she stood – exposed before her neighbors, her friends… forced to stand before every person who had ever criticized her or said an unkind word about her … and maybe somewhere in the audience was her rival, the woman whose husband had lain beside her but a few minutes before.
Sin exposes.
I love the way that John never tells us what she was wearing as she stood exposed before her accusers. I liken it to a man choosing to look directly in your eyes even though your cleavage in on display. Jesus did the same thing for her and for each of us. Unlike our enemy who accuses us, Jesus affords us love. He never uses our sin in a way to make us ashamed. Instead, He gently uses it to turn us away from the things that hurt us and gently towards His face.
As she stood there waiting for the first stone to hit her flesh, the best thing happened.
Unlike our enemy who accuses us, Jesus affords us love. He never uses our sin in a way to make us ashamed. Instead, He gently uses it to turn us away from the things that hurt us and gently towards His face. Share on XGrace defends.
“Let who is without sin cast the first stone (John 8:7).”
“Oh no!” she probably thought. “I’m dead for sure.”
My friend, if you are standing today before your accusers waiting for their condemnation, let me remind you that Jesus loves you. It really doesn’t matter what you have done. The debt that you and I should pay for our sins has already been settled. It was paid in full by the blood of Jesus.
“Go and sin no more.” He tells us (John 8:11). Jesus acknowledged that what she had done was a sin but instead of accusing and condemning her, he offered her freedom. Can you imagine how she must have felt? I picture a beautiful smile on her face even as her eyes well with tears. Here was the Great Teacher, the one who was able to make the blind see and the deaf hear, giving her a second chance.
As her accusers walk away, I imagine her walking slowly to join the group of people in the temple. She wants to learn more from this gentle person who let the whole town know that it was not okay to treat her as her sin deserves. As she listens, his next words bring joy to her soul. “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life (John 8:12).”
What she heard was: “Treat the outcasts among you as I do. Then people will see you as a leader and do likewise.”
Like this woman I have stood before my peers, exposed, waiting for the verdict to be passed. Ten years ago, I stood before my church board as they told me that I could no longer be a member because I had my son outside of wedlock. I know what it feels like to expect mercy, only, instead of mercy I received condemnation. The words I heard in my soul were, “You have sinned and are not good enough.”
Two years later I read about this woman and learned that there is one who loves me like no other. Like you, like this woman I have received grace. This Biblical woman of influence reminds me that Jesus loves me regardless of my sins. My society may condemn me, my peers may condemn me, I may deserve the death penalty but nothing can separate me from the love of God. My dear friend, Jesus loves you just as much and he wants nothing more than for you to acknowledge him as Lord and Savior.
Father, I thank you for the example of the woman caught in the act of adultery. It reminds me that you see possibility and freedom where others only see condemnation and death. Help me to walk as a woman who has been loved by an awesome God because that’s who I am in you. Thank you for the reminder that nothing can separate me from your love. In Jesus’ name, amen.
- The Woman Who Deserved Death - May 21, 2018
Amen!!! Judging is so easy, showing Grace is hard for most people. And we all need it someday. Greatings from Belgium Els
That’s so true, Els.
Grace defends! Amen! Way we always extend that grace to others.
Amen! Thanks for reading Bailey.
Oh, I love this… I love this story of this woman and the Grace that came to her rescue! I’m so sorry that you went through such a hard thing… We often jokingly wonder why God left the Church to humans! We can make such a mess of things! But Oh how He loves her and gave Himself up for her! Great post!
Thanks Karrilee.
This is such a wonderful reminder that everyone has fallen short. I often wonder what exactly Jesus was writing in the sand. Was it the names of her accusers or maybe their sins ? So many good things in that one lesson. Thank you for sharing!
Lara, that’s something my husband and I always ask. He agrees with you – he thinks Jesus was writing down the sins of each accuser in the group. Or maybe he was writing the 10 commandments. I can’t wait to ask Jesus what he was writing that day.
I’m so sorry to read about your experience; I’ve also struggled through hurt caused by the church, but those two words… Grace defends. Amen! This was beautiful
Thanks Jordan. I’m sorry that you have also been hurt by members of the church. Thank God grace defends!
I’m so glad I came across this article, I needed this today. I’ve also been shamed and judged by many, but I am so grateful to have an understanding and loving church. They have changed my life in so many wonderful ways. Thank you for sharing!
Mckayla, I’m sorry that you have been shamed and judged. Thank God for your supportive church family!
I’ve always thought about that: she was caught in the act… pretty humiliating- and why wasn’t the man she was caught with not part of this story? What a beautiful post and reminder that we are never far from redemption!
Exactly Lisa! The man should have been standing right there with her but I’m glad he wasn’t. It makes the story much more special for us girls 🙂
I’m so sorry for the sadness of your experience with the church. I love that story of Jesus holding out grace where it was least expected. As His followers, we can do no less.
Thanks Michelle. At the time I was very angry about it but over the years God has used it to make me a better person. Every time I think I want to walk away, He reminds me of His grace.
This is one of my favorite stories from Jesus’ life on earth, Aminata. And you’ve delved into it with masterful style and incredible insight. I love the twist you pointed out–how she thought she would be facing death and yet Jesus forgave her and sent her away to sin no more. Thank you for inspiring us! And thank you to Angel for sharing your wise words!
It’s one of my favorite as well Beth. Thanks for reading!
Oh the overwhelming never ending love of the Father God! I love the scripture in Ephesians 2:4, “But God!” Thank you for the reminder of His grace in my life today!
I’m so happy that you were reminded of God’s grace today Sharon.