1. Excellent points, Ginny. It’s funny how we have believed misconceptions about submission. I’m thankful God is os gracious as to teach us His truth. Thanks for linking up with Grace and Truth.

  2. Submission. -Such a scary word for so many (Christians and non) and truly not understood within the context of marriage. Thank you for your clearly spelling it out. The word shouldn’t be looked at like a big scary negative monster. Rather a lovely, growing, nurturing, maturing, walk with our Creator; keeping Him first in our marriage definitely is what we need to focus on. When we focus on God and His grace, it makes it so much easier to extend the same to our spouse.

  3. Submission can be such a difficult topic. Especially in today’s society where a woman is expected and encouraged to forceful in all facets of her life. Once I better understood the word submission – sub = under + mission. Our mission as a Christian couple is to glorify God in all we do. The idea of who is the head of the household no longer becomes a source of contention when the focus is on doing God’s will.

  4. Love your explanation of it! In our culture, it’s a word that connotes weak or letting someone walk all over another.
    God’s definition brings happiness and a loving marriage where both spouses feel supported and loved!.

  5. Love, love, love this!! It took me awhile to understand what biblical submission was as well. We got involved in marriage ministry early in our marriage and it has played a huge part in us keeping God at the center and understanding our roles.

  6. Love this! Thank you for sharing this truth. A submissive marriage does not require either parties to be a doormat! Praying that our hearts may not shrink back in disgust when we hear the word submission because of the worlds’ definition but that we can stand in the knowledge of the true meaning.

  7. Such a great post. The word “submission” is often portrayed as being negatively, but that is not the case at all. I love how you refer to the believer’s walk as a marathon, not a sprint. It is important to learn, to give ourselves grace, and to allow the Holy Spirit to bring us to the places we need to be.

  8. Thank you for this post. Communication is such an important key in a relationship. Thank you for highlighting this. Also, you mentioned that the couple’s background is such an important factor in the submission question as well as the communication piece. Truly, marriage is not for the faint of heart.

  9. What a great post! I feel like society so easily misinterprets and twists what submission actually looks like in a marriage. I love that she says it doesn’t mean a wife leaves her brain at the door.

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