8 Dos and Don'ts for Showing Love to Your Man


  1. I struggle with being consistent with several of these. I tend to be all affectioned out with the kids and he has to initiate thigns… and I can focus on the bad rather than affirming the good. Thanks for the reminders.

    1. Yes, that’s such a common issue for young moms and wives, Tiffany! Our kids often get the best of our day and then our mates are given the left-overs. I also struggle with focusing on the bad more than the good sometimes. I’m glad I’m not alone in this struggle, but it can be overcome one loving act at a time! Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation, my friend!

  2. Thank you, Andrew! And I agree! I hope that men realize that women need these kinds of expressions as much as men do! Thanks for stopping by to encourage Angel and me! Praying for you, my friend!

    1. So true, Tammy! I just hope that newlyweds recognize the need to keep the “love engine” running smoothly by committing to these kinds of acts of love for our mates. I didn’t realize it back in the day–at least to the degree that I see it now! Thank you for stopping by to encourage Angel and me!

  3. Thank you Angel and Beth! I need reminders of all 8, but particularly praying for my husband more than complaining. When the scale tips toward the negative things from my mouth more than the prayers I’m speaking, nothing will ever change. Christ transforms us, not people.

    And I also need to work on making everything about me. Part of being self-less in marriage is making the conversation and moment about him.

    Your neighbor at #sittingamongfriends

    1. I think that one resonates with a lot of wives, Karen. It’s easy to get going and not remember to pray for our husbands, but it makes us sitting ducks as far as Satan is concerned. I’ve felt his sting on many occasion simply because I did not pray for my husband. And I’m with you on being more negative than I should be. We have such power through Christ to turn that around and see the good in our guys, don’t we? Thanks for stopping by and encouraging Angel and me as well! Hugs to you!

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