1. Finances have been a huge source of stress for my marriage too. Living off of a teacher’s income is hard! We’ve sacrificed a lot of time together too because teachers work so many hours. I agree that the heart needs to be focused on God in order to have a fulfilling marriage – it’s what’s worked for us too!

  2. I found this to be extremely helpful! We are entering in to unknown days as my husband switches careers. Money is the source of my anxiety. Will there be enough? Will we become greedy? You are right, God must be first! In all we do, God must be first!

  3. “When both spouses grasp this, they will understand that money is a tool: to care for our families and to help spread the Gospel.” – This is such an important lesson for both spouses to understand and agree upon. Money, in and of itself is not bad, it’s when it becomes a higher priority than God and our spouse/family then it is a problem. Great post Julie!

  4. I love this post. Its a fine balance – prividing for family and living committed to God. I love how you wove the point of staying content with what we’ve got. Family is building heaven on earth.

  5. This is Great! I love this whole topic. Like the word says the love of money is the root of all evil. We have to be content with what we have. Focus on God and the rest will follow.

  6. super post and not talked about enough. money and our different views of needs/wants was a huge disconnect in our marriage – it took a lot of work/tears etc to walk in the Spirit in those early days and years! we have so much more than the rest of the world, yet not always the peace that God provides.

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