1. Thank you for this post it is so helpful to me, Sarah.
    Your openness in sharing your thoughts on this subject are calming.
    So pleased I found your blog I will be dropping by frequently.🙏

  2. Thank you for sharing your story and encouraging others, Sarah. The thing I’ve discovered in life is that when we draw close to God on a daily basis, it helps us with our most important relationships. I’m a stubborn, opinionated gal, and my hubby can be equally stubborn and opinionated. But filtering my words through God’s love keeps me from saying things I don’t need to say.

  3. Thank you for the inspiration to let go my unforgiveness of myself over issues. I struggle with this same are too. Thanks for sharing on the #LMMLinkup this past week.

  4. Thank you, Sarah; thank you for your honesty and vulnerability. Your story is inspiring and spreads hope. I was truly blessed by reading it. Thanks for all the practical tips in forgiving ourselves. May God continue to bless your ministry for Him. And thanks, Angel for sharing Sarah’s story here. It was a pleasure visiting your site.

  5. I needed to read this today. I believe through Jesus my sins are forgiven by God. Forgiving myself…different ballgame. Thank you for this!

  6. Thank you for sharing this story. I love the story of the woman at the well, but this has given it new life for me. I appreciate your story of forgiveness.

  7. What a raw and vulnerable story to share! You are a brave woman, and I am inspired by your honesty. You’re right – forgiving ourselves is usually the hardest thing to do. We have to come to the place where we realize that holding on to guilt is, in essence, putting ourselves above God – if He forgives us, who are we to hold a grudge and constantly condemn ourselves? Thank you for sharing your heart and for offering hope and advice to women who may be in the same shoes you were walking in years ago.

    1. Hello new friend. I appreciate your honest and encouraging comment. I have struggled with condemning myself for decades, but God has set me free. I hope other women will know He will do the same for them! Blessings to you.

  8. Sarah, I love your transparency! We all have our shame story, and the most beautiful part is that Jesus meets us one on one like you said . He meets us on our way to quench our earthly thirst .
    He fills us with the Living Waters

    Praise the Lord !!!

    1. Diana, thank you. Yes, we all deal with shame, whether it’s about sexual sin or other hidden mistakes. I’m so glad Jesus meets our thirst with his eternally flowing waters. Blessings to you!

  9. Sarah, thank you for being so transparent and even vulnerable here. So, so many women cannot forgive themselves of past sexual sin. I pray that God continues to bless your marriage! You are an inspiration to others!

  10. This is beautiful and wonderful. THANK YOU for being bold and sharing your testimony. “I shut myself off from God’s grace, because I knew I didn’t deserve it.” – I think that this is one of the most frequent lies that the enemy tells us, and this sentence perfectly describes where I was five years ago. I see a lot of myself in your testimony, and I’m so grateful that we both now recognize God’s grace over our lives. <3

    1. Hello Jordan. I am blessed by your comment. Yes, the enemy speaks lies over us, but Jesus destroys them with his powerful truth. May God’s peace be yours today!

  11. This is beautiful encouragement here, Sarah. Thanks so much for sharing your story. I appreciate you. I loved that list of ways that Jesus reached that woman (and reaches us).

  12. Bless you for sharing the truths of your story, Sarah. Our pasts are parallel roads, and I know so many Christ-following women who still struggle with shame over the sins of their pasts. You’re speaking words of truth directly into the hearts of those who need to receive the healing forgiveness of Christ’s sacrifice. I pray these words will touch hearts and impact lives. And may you sense God’s pleasure as you offer your words and your life so that others might know his power!

  13. Thank you, Sarah, for doing the hard work of sharing your story, but, even more, I love the way you wove it into the hope Jesus holds out in that biblical account.
    Blessings to you as you continue to do the personal work of living in the light of grace.

    1. Thank you, Michele. It took bravery to share, but I am praying and hoping many women trapped in this bondage will experience new freedom from the truth of the Gospel through my story. Blessings to you too!

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