Don’t Think You’re a Woman of Influence? Think Again.
When you think of a woman of influence, who do you typically think of? Is it a celebrity? A famous author? A media personality? Often when we hear the word influence, it can mean a variety of things….and usually, we don’t associate it as having to do with anything that resembles who we are. I know that some of you may be saying to yourselves “Come on, I’m not some corporate executive. I’m not wearing power suits from 9-5 and leading or impacting anyone.”
For some, our days are filled with homemaking and caring for children. We spend lots of time changing diapers, running errands, driving to appointments or caring for elderly parents. The busyness of our lives has consumed us and we are left thinking that there is nothing significant about what God has called us to. This may have left us feeling invisible. Often we believe that being a woman of influence is not something that you are capable of. It is just may be true for others. I’m just a wife. Or a mom.
But really is that true?
My friend, the level of influence that you have to impact others has little to do with the value that you assign to what you are doing. It has everything to do with WHOSE you are. You too, are a woman of influence.
The level of influence that you have to impact others has little to do with the value that you assign to what you are doing. It has everything to do with WHOSE you are. God has called all of us to be influencers for His Kingdom. Share on X
As a Daughter of the King, YOU MATTER. Too often, we we don’t feel that we do. We are not in a high profile job. We don’t have motherhood mastered (who does?). Our opinions are insignificant. We feel like we can’t add value to the conversation and so we just resolve to pursuing what we do best – staying busy and not calling attention to ourselves.
But truthfully, when we subscribe to that way of thinking, we have allowed the world assess value to us and determine our worth. Our value and identity is not found in what we do. The measure of our worth is found in Whose we are.
Colossians 3:1-2 If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.
I would like to share a story about a woman in the Bible who, when she first comes to mind, doesn’t seem to have had influence. In fact, it was just the opposite. I am talking about the woman with the issue of blood. Many are familiar with her story. This anonymous woman had been hemorrhaging for twelve years. Scripture sites that she was “diseased with an issue of blood twelve years” (Matt. 9:20).
During the time that she lived, this woman was rendered her legally unclean and had been set apart from the people. She was ostracized. The woman knew that she could not throw herself at the feet of Christ and state her complaint. There had to be another way.
Her modesty, humility, uncleanness and pressure of the crowd made close contact impossible. She slowly and methodically makes her way through the crowd. No one paid much attention to her. Perhaps, her shawl pulled down close to her face to avoid being recognized by anyone in the crowd.
She came up behind Him and touched the edge of his cloak, and immediately her bleeding stopped. Her actions spoke of her belief. ‘Who touched me?’ Jesus asked. When they all denied it, Peter said, ‘Master, the people are crowding and pressing against you.’ But Jesus said, ‘Someone touched me; I know that power has gone out from me.’ Then the woman, seeing that she could not go unnoticed, came trembling and fell at his feet. In the presence of all the people, she told why she had touched him and how she had been instantly healed. Then he said to her, ‘Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace.'”
Due to the greatness of the crowd, it took determination and desperation for this woman to press through the mass of people to just simply touch Jesus. He wanted the woman and the crowd to know that His garments had not caused her to be healed, but the strength of her faith.
Where men failed, Christ succeeded. But it is the glory of Christ that He can heal those who come late to Him.
Jesus could have done and said anything He wanted to at this point, but HE CHOSE to turn the spotlight on a woman who wanted nothing more than to slip away into the crowd and make her way home. She didn’t want the attention or to make a public speech. She just wanted to get out of there, go home, and get on with her life. (Isn’t that just like us?) This woman wanted to stay invisible.
But Jesus obviously has something else in mind. I would say she is a woman who lived with a bold, authentic faith. Although she journeyed out into the crowd so that she could see and touch Jesus, she was not concerned about the crowd. If she were, she would not have gone out because bona fide bleeding women knew they were “unclean” and should not be among people. She focused on the target of healing: Jesus.
This woman went from obscurity to being a woman of influence by the very One who determines our worth. The story of her healing and her faith in Jesus, the One who healed her, influenced many and still does today.
When you read the stories of the Bible, you can see that there were many stories that involve men. Men had positions of power and authority over their domain. When you look at the stories of the women, you will see that women were not revered as the same way that men were. And then comes Jesus. Isn’t it like Jesus to come in and show love and respect for women? Jesus was a bridge between men and women.
Jesus modeled love for women in a society that didn’t love or value them. The Bible shares story after story of this. Your story is one that is meant to change and impact lives also….and He will help you do it.
It is my prayer during this series that as you read the stories of these women, that you see yourself. In each example, the women faced different circumstances. However, the common denominator is that God used each and everyone of them for His glory.
The trials, hardships and burdens they bore were extremely difficult but also provided evidence of God’s love. He heals, restores and redeems. God allows us to be in different situations throughout our lives. Been through long nights with a colicky baby? Your experience and wisdom will help a new mom who is exhausted, discouraged and questioning her ability to be a good mother. Been through a fierce battle with a serious illness? Or gone through some very dark days after the loss of a loved one? By reminding others of God’s faithfulness during difficult times will not only encourage hearts but direct those who need Him back to Him.
We come closest to God at our lowest moments. It is easiest to hear God when you are stripped of pride and arrogance. Albeit very painful to get to that point, but when you do, God’s there. And then you realize that He was there with you all along. Step out my friend. Share your story. Share your faith. Be the woman of influence that God has created you to be…..and don’t look back.
- Parents, You Can Trust God with Your Adult Children - July 25, 2018
- 6 Faith-Filled and Fun Family Ideas For The Summer - June 29, 2018
- Self Care for the Wife Who’s Marriage has been Rocked - June 23, 2018
Yes & Amen!
Angela! I love the timing of reading this as my Mums and I were just discussing today how we each are created in God’s own image. What a powerful truth to grasp and walk in!! May we each walk boldly in our God given influence! xo~D
Thank you Angela for this series. I just read day 1 and feel so very encouraged. There are days that the oppression of reminders that I am a burden and not worth much can be overwhelming. Looking forward to reading more each day. You are such a blessing.
Lovely post and reminder that good specializes in using broken vessels for his glory.
Hi Angel Im so excited about this series of the women in the Bible.I know God lead me to your blog.I feel like Im not a woman of influence.Im praying God will teach me to think different.Do I need to sign up for this series and get a email each day of what to read in my bible.Thank you so much.You are a blessing and You are in my prayers.I appreciate you and your ministry.
Hi Angel….you are an angel!!! I am a new follower of your blog
and loved what I read. Thank you for your words of wisdom, I really needed to hear them. I want so badly to have a life of purpose (serving God in the way that He has designed me). I want to be a woman of influence. I will keep you in my prayers!
LaDonna, welcome! It’s good to have you here with us! I believe that God has something special planned for you sister. Be encouraged!
I love this. So inspiring! Visiting you from the dancing with Jesus link up.
We do matter and a make a difference.
Thanks for sharing these truths. Much wisdom here.
We are on the same wave-length as last week I posted about how people watch us and the way we conduct ourselves for the Kingdom is so important for bringing Glory to God.
Thank You. I will step out and share my faith.
Angel, thank you for this post. It is a great reminder that we all have impact and influence in our circle. We can make a statement for the Lord through our challenges. Thank again!
Very encouraging post! Women need to know they are valuable and are cherished by the Most High God! ❤
Oh, my world!! You got me in tears!! What a powerful word, Angel!!!
Jesus, thank you for using us even in our lowest moments. Help us to be influencers, kingdom builders, world changers for You!! Raise up an army of lionesses of God for Your glory!
Help us to thirst and hunger after you. To pursue Your presence until we receive Your healing, mercy, grace, and power!
In Your Holy Name, I pray!!
Yes, yes, YESSSSSSSS!!!!
Super encouraging! Thank you Angel!
You are so welcome! It’s good to see you here. 🙂 — Glad it blessed you.